Please add aucha perch

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fishingwithpole's picture
Please add aucha perch
<p>Aucha perch (<i>Coreoperca kawamebari</i>)<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]-->from Japan.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thanks, Corey.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>FWP</p>
Are you in Japan at the

Are you in Japan at the moment?


Very cool fish. They are in the same family as the Australian Bass, Murray Cod and Mandarin Fish!

Professor Fish
Professor Fish's picture
Nice looking fish, hope you

Nice looking fish, hope you have time for a fishing report from over there.

Corey's picture
Aucha Perch (Oyanirami) added

Congrats on the lifer FWP!  That's a very cool fish!

Mike B
Mike B's picture
what an amazing example of

what an amazing example of convergent evolution. Looks like a rock bass. Cool fish.

mike b

TheHugbot's picture
thats exactly what I was

thats exactly what I was thinking Mike! Awesome catch FWP

the pyromaniac
the pyromaniac's picture
Somebody shared one of these
Somebody shared one of these 2-3 years ago on another forum I used to frequent, and I've been trying evver since to remember the species... I've always been amazed & amused at how they resemble rock bass... Definitely a cool fish!




Let there be fire!

fishingwithpole's picture
Thanks, guys. Hope I can add

Thanks, guys. Hope I can add at least five more lifers in Japan in the next two months.

the pyromaniac
the pyromaniac's picture
Here's hoping! I want to see
Here's hoping! I want to see more of what's in Japan besides largemouth bass & bluegill.




Let there be fire!