Need another confirmation and some help with one

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Michieldewit's picture
Need another confirmation and some help with one
<p>Need another confirmation and some help with one. (sorry for the bad pics)<br /> <br /> Hornyhead Chub (red dot on both sides of head)</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Not sure about this one, but he seems to have a much longer pointier head than a regular river chub<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 640px; height: 640px;" /></p>
SomewhereDownstream's picture

The top one looks like a horny head. I don't think that the bottom one is a river, but it's hard to tell from that picture. Do you have any more?


Michieldewit's picture
Does this help??  

Does this help??


Michieldewit's picture
Could it be a gravel chub?

Could it be a gravel chub?

Dr Flathead
Dr Flathead's picture
Looks like a river chub to me

Looks like a river chub to me.

Michieldewit's picture
So what about the pointy head

So what about the pointy head? I catch a lot of river chub out here and none look like that.

Dr Flathead
Dr Flathead's picture
No clue man.  I'm by no means

No clue man.  I'm by no means a river chub expert.  We dont have them in Minnesota.  Could be a male/female thing?  Or a juvenile thing.