Post date: Monday, April 7, 2014 - 10:45
Updated date: 2/6/17
Striped Mullet Mugil cepahlus


The striped mullet is the largest and most common of the mullets that live in North America. Like the eel, the striped mullet is catadromous, migrating from fresh to salt water to spawn, although the mullet's migrations are not remotely as long and arduous as those that eels undertake. Mullet are primarily vegetarians, feeding on algae and detritus. They often sift through the bottom sediment for algae or suck scum off the water surface. Because of this, they usually will not take a bait.


Other Names: black mullet, true mullet, bright mullet, bully mullet, common mullet, flathead mullet, gray mullet, hardgut mullet, mangrove mullet, mullet, river mullet, sea mullet, springer




Mullet are normally harvested with nets. "Mullet Nets" are very large, wide-meshed cast nets designed specifically to capture mullet. Angling for mullet is notoriously difficult.Many a hopeful angler has spent long hours casting fruitlessly at an indifferent school of mullet. They will circle, and circle, and sniff, and perhaps even mouth the bait, but will not eat it. In many cases the best hope for the angler is to get the mullet to briefly mouth the bait and strike quickly during the fraction of a second while the mullet has a hold of it.  Groundbaiting or opportunistically sight-fishing for them is the normal method, but results can be disappointing even when the mullet respond to your tactics. Chumming heavily with rolled oats or the chicken feed known as "laying mash" can drive mullet into a feeding frenzy. You can then fish a tiny hookbait under a sensitive float, but the float must be watched closely and the hook set at the slightest twitch. Another effective method is to fish an actual glob of filamentous algae on a tiny hook. In very clear waters where mullet are actively feeding on this kind of algae, this can be surprisingly effective.


Certain natural phenomenon, such as a snail or clam die-off or a large hatch of a particular insect or crustacean, can occasionally turn the otherwise finicky and vegetarian mullet into something of a predator. Under these conditions, mullet provide fine sport, although such occurances can only be recognized through careful observation and experimentation.



Range Map

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