Post date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 20:05
Updated date: 2/6/17
Sicklefin Redhorse Moxostoma sp. dunfei


A Southern Redhorse species, the sicklefin was first collected and described way back in 1937.  However, it wasn't considered a species until 1992 and is still waiting for a scientific name. Come on, Dr. Jenkins, let's get a move on. It's found only in extreme Western North Carolina, a tiny piece of Georgia, and probably in a tiny piece of Tennessee. It's a candidate for listing under the endangered species act and is being bred in local hatcheries to help propogate the fish and boost its declining population. However, the outlook is good for this species as recent dam removals have restored some of its previously inaccessible habitat.


This fish is easily distinguished by its tall, extremely pointed dorsal fin, which almost resembles the "quill" of a quillback.



Range Map

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