Post date: Monday, April 21, 2014 - 12:14
Updated date: 4/25/24
Redtail Chub Nocomis effusis


Not to be confused with the hornyhead chub, which is also known by the name "redtail", this fish is found farther south, in Tennesse and Kentucky. A hefty minnow species, the redtail chub reaches lengths up to 12 inches and weighs up to a pound or more and is a star player in small-stream fisheries in the wild and pristine highland rim creeks of northern Tennessee and Southern Kentucky.

Redtail chubs are great quarry to pursue with an ultralight spinning outfit or a light glass flyrod. While bony, they are good eating as well.

Range Map

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Salt Lick Creek, TN
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Guest River, Tacoma, VA
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