Global Species

These species are found outside North America. This website is not intended for the worldwide audience or for jet-set world-travelling anglers. That's not important to us. It's meant to encourage North American anglers to appreciate the wonderful under-appreciated fishes they have in their home area, and specifically the underappreciated native fishes of North America. You shouldn't have to fly to some far-away land to catch an interesting fish! But folks who reside on other continents of course like to keep track of the species they catch as well. So here they are.

461 species


Orsted's Tetra Astyanax Orstedi
Astyanax orstedii
Brachichalcinus orbicularis
Opsariichthys uncirostris
Rhinogobius kurodai
Cottus reinii
Piabucina elongata Elongate Voladora
Piabucina elongata
Hypomesus nipponensis
Ischikauia steenackeri
Tanakia lanceolata
Acheilognathus typus
Zunaga-nigoi Hemibarbus longirostris
Hemibarbus longirostris
