Root River Roundup 2021

After having to cancel Roundup in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we were all very excited to head down to Eagle Cliff Campground and catch up.  This year's event would be a little different, because that dang Covid was still hanging around.  There would be no sucker ball feast, and no prize table for the Species Derby.  No group photo could be taken because we are reccommended to stay 6 feet apart.

It was still a heck of a good time!

The traditional Friday Flotilla put in below the dam in Lanesboro, and headed downstream toward camp.

The float was awesome as always, but unfortunately one boat took a spill and capsized.  Some gear was lost to the current of the Root River, but both parties came through unharmed.  Soaking wet, Graceclaw and Peeling Line showed up to an island we were fishing and recounted the tale.

This island was on fire for trout, and many chunky non-natives were strung up and brought back to camp to enjoy later.  Some other species were caught as well, but as is often the case fishing around camp was better for redhorse.


Here is our stringer of browns and rainbows from the float trip - 

Fishing around camp was fantastic, with many large golden, silver and shorthead redhorse caught.



Saturday we were lucky to have Superfrog join the group at camp.  He has been coming to Roundup for many years, and everybody knows him.  Frog always had a line in the water right around camp, and was friendly yet quick-witted when you shared the river bank.  Unfortunately his health was in serious decline, but him and his Dad were able to make it!

They set up to fish in Superfrog's favorite spot at The Bend.


Superfrog was reeling in big redhorse as he always does and having a great time with friends.


We lost a great Roughfish friend when Superfrog passed away on January 2nd, 2022.  He will be missed greatly, but remembered each Spring we gather on the bank of the Root River.  Rest in peace, friend.

Here are some more photos from the weekend - 




FishingDude won the Species Derby!  There was a 2-way tie with him and Mathew Williams.  I didn't see any photos of Greenwood with the Silver Redhorse Trophy, but here he is with the winning fish doing his best David Arora impersonation - 

Congratulations FishingDude!

Well, that's all I can remember right now.  I'm sure I missed some stuff, so let me know and I'll add it to this write-up.  

As I write this I am getting ready to head down for Roundup 2022!  See you guys on the Root!  And hey, let's fry some sucker balls and have a prize table this year.






FishNerd's picture

The 2 way tie was between FishingDude and Mathew Williams. If the derby would have gone another 10 minutes I would have also tied but I didn't get it quite in time

2017: Total species (44), New (12)
2018: Total (94), New (50)
2019: Total (116), New (49)
2020: Total (63), New (9)
2021: Total (72), New (11)
2022: Total (151), New (59)
2023: Total (134), New (48)
2024: Total (45), New (13)

andy's picture

I updated the sudden death fishoff contestants.