Mike Lands an Impressive Inconnu

In between giant pike, Mike brought in this beautiful specimen of an inconnu in the Northwest Territories.


andy's picture

What a beautiful Inconnu!  Combined with the gorgeous and rugged location, it's the best Inconnu photo I have ever seen.  I'm a bit of a whitewater kayaker, and have been dreaming about taking that rip behind you then pulling in and tossing a fly...just awesome stuff, Mike!

Fish_E_Hunter's picture

Wow...beautiful background scenery....and Gorgeous Fish!

Nick Li's picture

Dang that's a really nice... dog.... seems to be taking an interest in that thing in your hand, he's so cute! Jk haha NICE Inconnu man!! That's sick!!

roughfish29's picture

Dream fish brother. Beautiful fish and beautiful setting.

MichaelAngelo's picture

Oh wow.... just wow... congratulations Mike, this is a lifetime accomplishment!

that is the whitefish to end all whitefish, the omnifish. mike is like the al capone of rough fishing, hooking lip and taking lifelisters. i would love to meet him someday. 

watch your dog, she might just get gobbled up!