Add Please!!

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Nick Li
Nick Li's picture
Add Please!!
<p>I was trying to add my atlantic bonito tuna(Sarda Sarda), couldn&#39;t find it though!<br /> <img alt="" aria-busy="false" aria-describedby="fbPhotosSnowliftCaption" class="spotlight" height="270" src="" style="width: 480px; height: 270px;" width="480" /><br /> And can you add the hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus)&nbsp;as well?<br /> <img alt="" aria-busy="false" aria-describedby="fbPhotosSnowliftCaption" class="spotlight" height="453" src="" style="width: 461px; height: 373px;" width="604" /><br /> And the Marlinsucker Remora(Remora Osteochir)<br /> <img alt="" aria-busy="false" aria-describedby="fbPhotosSnowliftCaption" class="spotlight" height="270" src="" style="width: 480px; height: 270px;" width="480" /><br /> <img alt="" aria-busy="false" aria-describedby="fbPhotosSnowliftCaption" class="spotlight" height="604" src="" style="width: 453px; height: 604px;" width="453" /><br /> Northern Pufferfish (Sphoeroides maculatus)<br /> <img alt="" aria-busy="false" aria-describedby="fbPhotosSnowliftCaption" class="spotlight" height="640" src="" style="width: 480px; height: 640px;" width="480" /><br /> Sailfish(Isiophorus Albicans)</p>
the pyromaniac
the pyromaniac's picture
Put the scientific name and
Put the scientific name and its picture on here. Corey posted earlier that they're a little behind on these, but that they're getting to them. The scientific name and pic will help him.




Let there be fire!

Nick Li
Nick Li's picture


the pyromaniac
the pyromaniac's picture




Let there be fire!

Corey's picture
Added sailfish, bonito, remora, etc ...



The puffer was already out there under "Puffer, Northern"

Nick Li
Nick Li's picture
Yeah, I found it later...

Yeah, I found it later... sorry about that, but thanks!!