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by Drupal
SalmonidsThis group is comprised of all the fishes in the family Salmonidae. They are coldwater fishes, found mostly in subarctic areas and high elevations. It includes salmon, trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes, and graylings. Trout, Salmon, Char, Grayling, Whitefish, Cisco Click on the species name to view the detailed information for the species. |
Oncorhynchus apache Listed Under: Trout, Apache |
Coregonus autumnalis Listed Under: Cisco, Arctic |
Salvelinus namaycush Listed Under: Trout, Lake |
Salvelinus fontinalis Listed Under: Trout, Brook |
Salmo trutta Listed Under: Trout, Brown |
Onchorhyncus mykiss Listed Under: Trout, Rainbow |
Onchorhyncus tshawytscha Listed Under: Salmon, Chinook |
Onchorhyncus clarkii Listed Under: Trout, Cutthroat |
Onchorhyncus kisutch Listed Under: Salmon, Coho |
Salvelinus malma Listed Under: Dolly Varden |
Salvelinus confluentus Listed Under: Trout, Bull |
Salvelinus alpinus Listed Under: Char, Arctic |
Onchorhyncus keta Listed Under: Salmon, Chum |
Onchorhyncus nerka Listed Under: Salmon, Sockeye |
Onchorhyncus gorbuscha Listed Under: Salmon, Pink |
Coregonus clupeaformis Listed Under: Whitefish, Lake |
Prosopium williamsoni Listed Under: Whitefish, Mountain |
Coregonus artedi Listed Under: Cisco, Northern (Tullibee) |
Salmo salar Listed Under: Salmon, Atlantic |
Thymallus arcticus Listed Under: Grayling, Arctic |
Stenodus leucichthys Listed Under: Inconnu |
Prosopium cylindraceum Listed Under: Whitefish, Round |
Onchorhyncus aguabonita Listed Under: Trout, Golden |
Oncorhynchus gilae Listed Under: Trout, Gila |
Coregonus pidschian Listed Under: Whitefish, Humpback |