Universal Roughfish.com Forum Access View

This goes back to 2008 or earlier. This display is a way for people to get at the old forum posts from the previous, fireboard-based web forums for roughfish.com. I can't guarantee things are displayed correctly, but they seem to be (mostly) readable. If I get time, I'll do some more database kung-fu to get the old posts attached correctly to the new forums and fix the weird display issues that resulted from data migration. In the meantime, feel free to delve into the strange and sometimes disturbing past of roughfish.com! CoreyDisplaying 76 - 100 of 6757 topics
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TylerM's picture

Mooneye near Minneapolis?

General Discussion
Sat, 06/12/2021 - 09:51
Hey all Does anyone have any spots/tips they want to share for catching mooneye near the twin cities?

Some sort of redhorse or a spotted sucker?

Lifelist Forum
Sat, 06/05/2021 - 16:00
Hello, I recently caught this sucker species in the Pascagoula River in Southern Mississippi and I am having trouble identifying it. Here are a few pics: https://imgur.com/JxPrDCs https://...
Tyler W's picture
Tyler W

Kids Fishing Contest

Contest Discussion
Wed, 06/02/2021 - 16:56
Is there a prize for the kids fishing contest?
Tyler W's picture
Tyler W

2021 BWCA Lake Trout

Fishing Reports
Fri, 05/21/2021 - 15:07
I just got back from my annual spring lake trout fishing trip. This year was one for the record books! We ended the trip with 19 trout. The largest was 28 1/2". The trip was memorable for...
garman's picture

A Strange Burst of Activity

General Discussion
Thu, 04/29/2021 - 21:19
Huh? Fishing crawlers in a local stream, I went 2 hours with nothing at all, then in 30 minutes caught 7 fish of 6 species before activity shut off again. I think it's strange that many...
TaleSpinner's picture

Looking for Bowfin in South-Central MN

General Discussion
Wed, 04/28/2021 - 13:36
I will admit it right off the bat; I know next to nothing about finding bowfin. I grew up in northern WI, and as far as I know, we really didn't have the species up there. Most of the knowledge...
FishingDude's picture

An Open Apology

General Discussion
Fri, 04/23/2021 - 03:46
Hello Everyone, You may recall I was rather unsavory around two years ago and faced the consequences of my own actions, and paid the price by being booted from here. Today I am here to do my...
Tyler W's picture
Tyler W

Are the redhorse running?

General Discussion
Sun, 04/18/2021 - 15:46
The weather this year has been crazy and water temps have been all over the place. Still, I thought I would be on to some consistent redhorse action by now. I am getting them one at a time, if at all...
Tyler W's picture
Tyler W

Minnesota House Bill 1076 to Add Gar to List of Game Fish

General Discussion
Fri, 04/09/2021 - 12:44
Breaking News. Minnesota House Bill 1076 was amended yesterday to add gar to the list of game fish. https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/docs/MIfCUHTBG0unDepTrA_UDg.pdf Text of the amendment...
Muddy Waters

White sucker run

Fishing Reports
Thu, 04/08/2021 - 11:08
Saw a school of colored-up male White Suckers in a riffle of a warmwater creek in SE MN yesterday!
garman's picture


General Discussion
Sun, 04/04/2021 - 08:39
Any word on the June Contest yet?
vanner's picture

Cannon Falls, MN

General Discussion
Fri, 04/02/2021 - 18:58
Just found out Catfish Jr and I am going to be spending a day in Cannon Falls, MN on April 10th. Anyone have any pointers or fishing experiences to share about the area? Thanks. vanner
Tyler W's picture
Tyler W


General Discussion
Mon, 03/22/2021 - 13:54
I fished hard this weekend with marginal success, but success all the same. This morning I took water samples on the Mississippi, Rum and Crow rivers and found water temps in the 41F to 43F range,...
andy's picture

2021 Roundup: May 8-9! ***shirt ordering info added***

Fri, 03/19/2021 - 20:56
It's official, we are having a Root River Roundup this year at Eagle Cliff. Some of us are already talking about a float trip on Friday!
Eric Kol's picture
Eric Kol

new Species request, Bartram's and Altamaha bass

Lifelist Forum
Thu, 02/25/2021 - 08:12
I'm not sure what the official status is on these two redeye bass. Is the scientific community ready to have these be official yet?
Eric Kol's picture
Eric Kol

new species request, Texas Logperch

Lifelist Forum
Thu, 02/25/2021 - 08:10
Hey all, can we please add the Texas logperch, Percina carbonaria?

Interesting research

General Discussion
Tue, 02/16/2021 - 10:43
Apologies for the dense text - can't get the spacing right - please edit this post for better viewing. If anyone's interested, the University of Michigan & Michigan DNR are...

Southern or Gulf kingfish?

Lifelist Forum
Thu, 01/14/2021 - 13:36
http://imgur.com/gallery/XoxRA3m Let me know what you think! I'm leaning towards southern kingish since neither the dorsal or caudal fins have a dark tip.
ebspeciesfishing73's picture

Dates and pictures in lifelists

Lifelist Forum
Mon, 01/04/2021 - 13:35
Is it preferable to have the date match the picture I use for a species in my lifelist or should the date be when the fish was first caught? Some of my earlier species were caught when I didn't...
TonyS's picture


General Discussion
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 12:56
Planning to head out for pout on saturday the 2nd, if anybody else is as well give me a shout
T.Wolter's picture

It was, in retrospect, an unwise challenge....

General Discussion
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 08:17
I fished a bit when I was younger. My son fishes a lot and my grandson quite a bit. Somehow the question of species count came up. Being fair I left off things I'd caught in Alaska and...

pictures in posts

General Discussion
Fri, 12/18/2020 - 04:53
I wish there were pictures allowed in posts rather than links. A large number of my posts on many forums usually show photo examples which are appreciated while reading the post.
Chris_in_Louisiana's picture

My First Carp on the Fly

Fishing Reports
Tue, 12/15/2020 - 10:06
Hey guys, Not sure how many fly fishers frequent this forum, but I thought I'd share a link to a blog post I put together about my first attempt at targeting common carp on the fly. I have...

Please Help ID this Lamprey

General Discussion
Tue, 12/08/2020 - 19:40
Caught a fish with this lamprey on it. Does anyone know what species of lamprey is this? Edit: Caught in Wisconsin River, Northern Wisconsin.

ID HELP: New species from the Upper Mississippi River

General Discussion
Mon, 10/26/2020 - 11:20
Caught a new species in the Upper Mississippi River, Pool 14, Iowa / Illinois. https://www.roughfish.com/sites/default/files/20201024170109.jpg https://www.roughfish.com/sites/default/files/...
