Reekfish's species to be added...

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Reekfish's picture
Reekfish's species to be added...
<p>Hello!</p> <p>Just a few species I didn&#39;t see in the dropdown:<br /> <br /> Bluntnose Stingray<br /> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" /></p> <p>Rock Hind<br /> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" /></p> <p>Yellowtail Snapper (Sorry, it&#39;s the best pic I have... something bit off its face while I reeled it in...)<br /> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Other than that, I&#39;m good for now! Thanks so much for all your hard work revamping the site. It looks amazing!! :)</p>
MNbowfinangler's picture
Porehead Blenny

Hey Corey,

I couldn't find this one in dropdown list either. Porehead blenny: Labrisomus multiporosus.

Corey's picture
OK ... added

These fish have been added.

Reekfish's picture
I appreciate it :)