Carp, Common

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Rocky Knuth's picture

I was fishing for a Carp at South Park in Oshkosh.  Little did I know the drama that was to befall me.  As I settled in on the bank,  the park lawn mower began moving my way.  I grabbed my stuff to move it to the walkway and off the grass.  I went back for my rod and got there just in time to see it being dragged off into the water and disappear from view. I had an old rod with me and thought I could at least drag bottom to see if I might snag my lost pole.  I put on a heavy spoon and began casting, combing the area.  There was a guy watching me from the stone bridge.  I was sure he was thinking I was trying to snag a carp.  There is nothing in there that is going to go after a spoon.  Finally after about a half an hour I managed to hook the tip of my lost pull.  As I did, the carp on the line began to pull back.  The guy on the bridge observed, "Looks like you caught somebody's fishing pole!"  I responded, "Yeah, Mine!"  It was a battle to get the pole close enough for me to finally grab a hold of the tip and bring it in.  Once I had the rod in hand the fish was mine!


Corey's picture

Nice job - must've felt good to get it back, and the fish besides!!!

andy's picture

That's an amazing catch Rocky! Yeah!!!
Deftik's picture

Never understood angler watchers they are a personal pet peeve of mine with that said awesome story and fish!

Moose439's picture

HAHAHAHA thats the best fishing story I have heard for awhile, awesome catch man.